AFQA is a collaborative forum of apparel and footwear companies with a mission “to advance the management of test methods to improve efficiency and reliability in the measurement of apparel and footwear quality, and to enhance transparency for consumers consistent with evolving regulatory frameworks for product performance.”
AFQA's Purpose
AFQA’s purpose is to advance the global management of physical testing parameters for apparel, footwear, and related products, communicate information about physical testing to the supply chain, discuss concerns, and exchange ideas for harmonizing and improving the measurement of product quality, durability, and recyclability.
AFQA's Vision
AFQA’s vision is a world of harmonized physical test methods for measuring the quality of apparel, footwear, and related products.
AFQA Core Values
Integrity – Keeping our promises, “doing the right thing,” not unduly influencing someone and not withholding information.
Knowledge-based – AFQA has the most current and applicable knowledge on topics included in participating brand physical testing programs. The group makes decisions based on quantitative criteria rather than subjective, emotional, or solely qualitative criteria.
Practical – Topics discussed, information or materials developed, and recommendations are useful in the real world and implementable.

Collaboration – Member companies work together within AFQA to achieve agreed-upon objectives and complete tasks, keeping other values and assumptions in mind. Also, AFQA member companies and staff work with outside entities to further the mission of advancing the management of methods for physical testing. Finally, AFQA member companies work with other apparel and footwear brands to increase the harmonization of methods for physical testing.
Transparency – It is clear to all within the AFQA how decisions are made, the basis for decisions, and what final decisions are. AFQA’s objectives, tasks, and activities are clear to the outside world and interested parties.
Sharing of Information – All information that is shared among AFQA companies is valid, all relevant information is shared, and all discussions are confidential.
Free and Informed Choice – Representatives of AFQA companies hold authority to make decisions, and when individuals vote, they support the decisions they voted for.
Internal Commitment – For any public-facing information, every effort is made to achieve unanimity. See Section H for Voting Rules. Members support the decisions taken by the group according to the Voting Rules.
Compassion – Listening with empathy for the position or viewpoint of others is essential, knowing the high level of integrity of all participants.